Truth is stranger than fiction. For the past several month's I've noticed a radically different Peacock logo in NBC TV's program lineup promos. I call it the "Demon's Eye." This is not a Halloween story, unless NBC-TV started celebrating Halloween last spring. No, this is serious stuff here. Its implications are paradigm shattering. The media is controlled by sinister dark forces. You laugh. You think this is a Halloween joke or that this is another one of those conspiracy theories gone over the edge. I ask you to hear me out before you rush to judgement. The world has been taken over and this is your wake-up call. It did not happen overnight. The deception has been going on since the dawn of man. I believe we are about to undergo a radical change in the way the world perceives itself. It will happen very soon. Soon means sometime before the year 2000. There will be subtle signs and hints in the media. Pay attention. This is not paranoia, but recognition of the larger reality. It hit home when I saw and recognized the NBC-TV program logo and its subtle message.
No other paranormal subject is more intentionally ridiculed than the UFO. Our government doen't want us to know the truth, and for good reason, they are scared. They at the very least do not want to make enemies of the people they govern. On the contrary, their mission is to protect us. To "insure the domestic tranquility." But the UFO issue is a very serious subject. It's not really a question of whether they exist or not. The world is not the way we were taught to believe. There are forces and principalities at work here that would make our daily routines seem like a fantasy world, and to some extent it is. One lives in fantasy when one does not see his true place in the whole scheme of things and behaves according to a preconditioned reality and the role society lays out for him. So, why does the NBC peacock, a bird of paradise, have a darker, seemingly sinister side, the "Demon Eye" and its Reptilian implications? Are we slowly being told the truth about the larger reality or are we being teased by something that treats mankind as we would our pets or our children. Maybe we, as human beings, cannot really grasp the meaning or the nature of this world. Our world contains a hierarchy of intelligent life forms, likewise the universe.
The truth is out there and there may be a larger truth making its presence
known. And like all great mysteries there are subtle clues interspersed
throughout our everyday accepted reality that hint at who the culprit
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